Thursday, August 03, 2006

Whats your japanese name?

hee hee this is funni - got this from a thread in Zorpia - just add up the letters:

A- ka * B- zu * C- mi * D- te * E- ku * F- lu * G- ji

H- ri * I- ki * J- zu * K- me * L- ta * M- rin *

N- to * O-mo * P- no * Q- ke * R- shi * S- ari * T-chi U- do *

V- ru * W-mei * X- na * Y- fu * Z- zi


Okis, my name will be either:

Zukuki Tekarinkatoki


Zudotokimoshi Rikateki

tee hee, their so long! How do some japanese people get the easy cool names like 'Rei' of 'Jin'? mwa ha ha lols

I think i'll just use the best sounds from my jap names and call myself

Tekarin Katoki

Ooooouu that sounds funky... i could be a character in an anime with a name like that! yay!

1 stranger/s added their thoughts:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Using your way, my shortened name should be.......
Fukari Takari =D

Eh? It rhymes... =P Oh, well.

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