About Me

- Jei Matteus Damani
- Im just a guy, who lives his own unique life, as people do.
My Blog List
Sunday, December 03, 2006
m'Leany Giselle du Coudray...
Lil Luchii Belle...
Tia Rena...
Ma Leni Brrr....
Reon Kadena...
Krazae Kajang Kristine...
Won-Ton a.k.a 'The hott miniskirt korean'...
Lil Kirsten...
Jessica Alba...
Haizz... i mean, Haizz?!?
So much to think about yo... this is only the beginning...
...where does it end?

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Where for art thou...?
Like coming home to a loved one, kissing and hugging her as i stepped through the door; This person always seems to brighten my mood and make my troubles unwind.
As the sun would fade into the horizon, she would keep me warm in its place.
As soon as she called me 'Hubby...' i fell into a trance that would bind me to her every word; at least for an hour; or maybe two or three... Recieving a response from her, however slight, meant more to me than such petty things as time.
Today I must have clocked out an hour too late; for when i stopped the engine, walked up the steps and turned on the CPU, my special person was nowhere to be found.
I am too late.
She has always tried to leave some time for me before she leaves to go home, but this time i guess she couldnt wait that long.
My sincere apologies my dear...
I miss you, lady of the Wilde Rose, and i hope you had a nice day.
I will hope to see you tomorrow; till then my darling...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
All i really need to know; i learnt from Noah's Ark :)
Greetings People. Id just like to say thanks for making today a good day for me so im just sharing this cos i found this quite Interesting and also it is my way of saying thank you. I know this isnt much but yeah here it is. and if you dont like it then id say heh what you gona do cos you got it anyway.
Oh and one more thing....... I know that I never talk like this much but Thank you for being very good friends. Have a Nice Weekend
Thanks Again
- Dont Miss the boat
- Plan ahead. It wasnt raining when Noah built the ark.
- Stay Fit. When your 600 years old , you might be asked to do something really big.
- Speed is not always an advantage, Snails were there with the Cheetahs.
- Dont listen to critics. Just get on with what has to be done.
- Build your future on high grounds.
- Travel in pairs. Two heads are better than one.
- The ark was built by amatures, the Titanic by professionals.
- Woodpeckers inside are a bigger threat than the storm outside.
- No matter the storm, theres always a rainbow in waiting
Later Days

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
If the World were a village of 100 people
When you go to bed tonight, do you think you will be filled with satisfaction?
Do you think the place you are is precious?
In the world today [this is an ole bit of text mind you], 6 billion 300 million people live. If we could shrink the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something the following:
There would be:
- 61 Asians
- 13 Africans
- 13 from North and South America
- 21 Europeans
- and the remaining one from the South Pacific
- 52 would be female
- 48 would be male
- 30 would be children
- 70 would be adults
among those,
- 7 would be aged
- 70 would be non-white
- 30 would be white
- 33 would be Christians
- 19 believe in Islam
- 13 Would be Hindus
- 6 would follow Buddhist teaching
- 5 would believe that there are spirits in the trees and rocks and in all the nature
- 24 would believe in other religions or would believe in no religion
- 89 would be heterosexual
- 11 would be homosexual
- 17 would speak Chinese
- 9 English
- 8 Hindi and Urdu
- 6 Spanish
- 6 Russian
- 4 would speak Arabic
That would account for half the village
The other half would speak Bengal, Portuguese, Indonesian, Japanese, German, French or some other languages
- 20 are undernourished
- 1 is dying of starvation, while
- 15 are over weight
- 6 people would process 59% of the entire world’s wealth and all 6 would be from United States.
- 74 People own 39%
- 20 people share the remaining 2%
- 75 People have some supply of food and a place to shelter them from wind and the rain, but 25 do not.
- 17 have no clean, safe water to drink
Of the energy of this village
- 20 people consume 80% and
- 80 people share the remaining 20%
If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change somewhere around the house - You are among the richest 8
If you have a car - You are among the richest 7
Among the villagers
- 1 has a college education
- 2 have computers
- 14 cannot read
If you can speak and act according to your faith and your conscience without harassment, imprisonment, torture or death - then you are more fortunate than 48, who cannot.
If you do not live in fear or death by bombardment, armed attack, landmines or of rape or kidnapping by armed groups - then you are more fortunate that 20, who do.
In one year,
- 1 person in the village will die
but in the same year
- 2 babies will be born
so that at the year’s end the number of villagers will be 101
If your parents are still alive and still married you are very rare
If you can read this email, That means you are thrice-blessed; Because
1. someone was thinking of you
2. because you are able to read
And most important
3. Because you are alive
Someone once said: what comes around goes around; So:
- sing from the bottom of your heart
- Dance with your body waving free
- And live putting your soul into it
And when you love
- Love as though you have never been wounded - even you have - And love the fact that you and others live here in this village
Perhaps, If enough of us learn to love our village , It may yet be possible to save it from violece that is tearing it apart.

Sunday, August 06, 2006
My two cents - hehehe cheap wisdom!
Saturday, Aug 5 2006, 11:04:00 PM
What is happiness?
It is a question that has plagued the human mind for eons!
Does it even exist? Or maybe it is just something man made up to try to explain or fill in the void he has deep down his soul?
It is just a few of the questions lingering in my mind, this one hot August afternoon...
For years I have thought about it, still I haven't come up with an answer that would satisfy me.
... to which i posted the following response. I thought my response was pretty good for something i wrote after just haven woken up at 5am in the morning on a sunday ;p
Oh well, i hope you enjoy:
...................................................Anywho, here's what i think:
On a physical understanding, When you are happy your brain is kinda injected by a hormone thingy called endorphins which pretty much relaxes or excites (depending on the kind of happiness we are talking about) the brain. And since the brain controls everything else in our bodies, it has the power to make everything else relaxed/excited too.
On a basic level this can be observed by the more primitive animals on this planet, like a dog. When the endorphins start affecting his brain, their eyes widen, mouth opens and tongue dangles, and tails waggle. This occurs whenever you give him/her a treat, play with the dog, or just when they get to see you after a long period of time. From this, you can tell that the dogg is happy.
For most animalia, the happiness description pretty much stops there. Since there is no definitive way of communicating intelligently with such organisms, we have to assume that they themselves do not delve any further into the topic.
Because of our somewhat heightened intelligence, happpiness can be experienced in both a physical and emotional manner. While we humans share the same physical reactions as our primitive earthly neighbours, Our mighty mighty brains which can dream and imagine (ie. do not depend on a physical truth) expand what can be experienced as 'happy'. The brain can filter, sub-categorise and enhance, because it can visualise something/anything/everything out of nothing. There are multiple levels of happiness; Black and White and a mass of Grey in between. This is shown in our music, artworks, tv shows, circus rides, books on sex techniques, and even our beliefs on the being known as God.... and so forth.... there is more than one kind of happiness for the human being.
Now then, delving further into the inner intricacies of happ.... [brain freeze]... okay kids, class is over. Go home and nag your parents about buying a PS3....
- Eleany, this probably wont sate your desire to understand the process known as happiness, but at least you know have an opinon from a crazy asian, to compare any future research you may have in mind for this topic.
Actually, despite my simple use of the english vocabulary, i think i did an okay job :) i think i may post this up on my blog. I'll credit the initial thought to you :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006
Whats your japanese name?
A- ka * B- zu * C- mi * D- te * E- ku * F- lu * G- ji
H- ri * I- ki * J- zu * K- me * L- ta * M- rin *
N- to * O-mo * P- no * Q- ke * R- shi * S- ari * T-chi U- do *
V- ru * W-mei * X- na * Y- fu * Z- zi
Okis, my name will be either:
Zukuki Tekarinkatoki
Zudotokimoshi Rikateki
tee hee, their so long! How do some japanese people get the easy cool names like 'Rei' of 'Jin'? mwa ha ha lols
I think i'll just use the best sounds from my jap names and call myself
Tekarin Katoki
Ooooouu that sounds funky... i could be a character in an anime with a name like that! yay!

Sunday, July 30, 2006
Paper jam... oh wait!
Sorry Noel, This is worthy of a staff email!
I just got this service request through from Tegal foods. They had a mouse stuck in the toner and want to get the printer checked to see if anything else was affected. It was alive and they got it out safely. I’m quite speechless… lol

He's not dead, but he's sure stuck.
We did end up getting him out and letting him loose for those of you
that are mouse lovers. You think you are having a bad day!

What kind of kisser am i?

Apparently im a bashful kisser! Ha ha ha, just one of those weird quizzes from http://uk.tickle.com that Julzii from Zorpia sent me. I read the results and thought "Oh yeap. thats definately me" - ha ha ha; rarely i find an online quiz that is actually right :p
Displayed below is the results of my quiz answering; you should try it out yourself!
Pucker up, you're a bashful kisser!
OK, so you might be on the shy side as far as kissing goes, but more people go for this quality than you might think. When you were younger, was it hard for you to talk to new people - especially when it came to someone you were interested in? Yup, we thought so.
Lucky for you, many people, back then, and now, think that shyness is adorable and a huge turn on. After all, there's a comfort they get from the feeling that you don't lock lips with just anyone. When it comes to snogging, you're probably a little hesitant to try new techniques. You might even prefer to stick with gentle pecks until your partner finally decides to take it further. While shyness is nice, just remember not to get so concerned with setting the proper mood. You might light a fire or take level, but experiment a little - even if that just means a public display of affection, or we dare you, a nice long snog - eyes open, lights on!
And just for your information, here are Julzii's results! I think your be a real interesting kisser - why do you have to live in Australia! AAAARGH!! lol
The Playful Kisser
Talk about freestyle! You've got originality points when it comes to kissing. You are probably the type of person who goes with the flow and plants your smackers accordingly as each situation dictates. And why shouldn't you? The only real important rule is for you to be yourself — and to keep experimenting. If something feels good, you should keep doing it. And especially in lessons of l'amour, there's no reason to conform.
So pucker up and keep seizing your moments! But before you get wild in your experimenting, sticking your tongue in your lover's ear, or getting carried away with your little love bites, remember that a kiss is between two people. You don't want to turn them off while you're getting turned on. So if that happens, take a deep breath, slow down, and try a little tenderness.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Gasping for air; nearly there...
I see light where once there was only dust,
The chill autumn cold brings with it a fresh exhalation.
Pathways twist and wind in favour;
Gasping for air; nearly there...
I will crawl my way back to you, oh breath of life;
You will see me again, brought back anew...