God is punishing me for procrastinating... my brain is burning.
im so sorry everybody
About Me

- Jei Matteus Damani
- Im just a guy, who lives his own unique life, as people do.
My Blog List
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I need more time
Attempted Literacy by
Jei Matteus Damani
, Typed in at approx:
6:07 PM
stranger/s added their thoughts

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Ah, just another enjoyable weekend
Current Location: my busted-ass computer chair, in my bedroom
Current Mood: Itchy
Current Music: Hinoi Team - Night Of Fire, Beautiful - Snoop Dogg feat. Pharrell, Eva Mendes smooching Will Smith - Hitch (movie)
Im not very good at work. I must have problems with prioritizing and scheduling, cos i never seem to complete all the tasks that i assign myself. In these times my ol' uni lecturer Sue's advice comes to mind yet again...
"Failing to plan is planning to fail"
I guess i can say that.... AAAAHT!! this was meant to be a weekend blog damnit! NO WORK!!
Friday ended quite well for me. Lil K and Stephie wanted to hang out with stu-bob and i, but we couldnt figure out what to do with the limited financial resources we had, along with the bad weather that was all around. Usually when you have no money, the great outdoors can keep you entertained free of charge; unfortunately none of us wanted to catch cold. I had sent a txt to a motley collection of friends for any suggestions, but only one responded. Xanth the realm queen suggested that i drown them in a swimming pool. No seriously, thats what she wrote.
....yeeeeah; thanks Xanth. such a sinister girl - your lucky that your physical attractiveness overcomes your evil-ness ha ha
So with the original plan failed, Karii came to rescue me from friday night emptyness. turns out she food poisoned herself and was all alone - so hey it was a perfect time to catch up and cheer up. I arrived fully equipped with sparkling mineral water and jello cups - apparently
the safest things to eat when food poisoned without puking afterwards, and we watched a bit of TV.
It then came to my attention how Karii and her brother Jorge look like the two main characters of the tv sitcom "The New Adventures Of Old Christine" - we mused about how that may be a possible future for the two. Even more amusing, since in this episode they were talking about how Christine cant find the will-power to dump this butt ugly stalker dude, cos he's exceptionally skilled at using his mouth 'down there'. a 'Champ' if i remember the words correctly :p
it was good seeing Karii again, we always find something to talk about... shortly after the darling lil Lucci cam back from her day with the grandparents, and then Luke came back from work. I did feel odd, with Luke finding me in his bedroom with karen in the bed (ha ha dont worry, i was perched on a computer chair on the side) and its always great to see Lucci, who seems to get more and more beautiful every day. yes Karii, i read your recent blog entry - and her looks are are 50/50 combination of you and luke - which means her beauty does come from you; since Luke isnt at all that beautiful :p
I woke up in a panic on saturday, as i had some sort of allergic reaction. The dinner i had last night must of had some kind of milk product in it, cos certain parts of me went all swollen, and unfortunately no im not talking about my penis :p I managed to get the day off work, which was nice, but having a physical deformality as well kinda ruined my aquired free time.
Attended my cousin Darcy's 1st birthday instead, which was great cos i hadnt seen him for a while now, as well as his mom and dad, my grandma, and the new house they recently moved into. Its a real charming place, tucked in a busy mt roskill area - but the peaceful feeling of the place was heavily distorted by the ranting and hooting of naughty children. Geez indonesian kids are down-right rascals; i completely forgot (i was exactly the same i suppose). Many a time i felt like giving my cousin victor a boot up the ass!
Darcy though was still the handsome young man that i last saw, now walking along with a contented smile on his face. He really enjoyed his bday, and all the great (and some weird) presents that he recieved. My present wasnt there, so i must remember to bring it over soon.
I gotta say man, Uncle Chris was a real sport that day. he took all the mongrel indo kids (about 6 in total) to the cinemas to watch transformers, a movie that he really didnt like (and didnt end up watching). and dont think that looking after mongrel indo kids is easy - he even forked out a few bucks for each kid so that they could play at the arcade games. Me and Cyn came along too to help him. We managed to get through the day without the kids causing too much trouble, though Victor was being quite a rude lil punk during the movie. i wanted to lock him in a rubbish can and roll it round for a while.
I had already watched Transformers with Zobie and Stu-bob the other week, and it was okay but not as good as everyone said. It was one of those movies where you would pretend to be a director and say things in your head like "oh NO thats so wrong, thats not the way its supposed to be, you should have done it like THAT...". the graphics were awesome, but it was a movie that seriously needed a plot change, it was so wrong compared to what the actual transformers story was like (which overall would have been alot more entertaining). you know how there are some real awesome marvel comic movies (like spiderman), and then some real crap ones (like the hulk)? Well Transformers was definately the hulk material. Oh i dunno - i guess im too much of a hardcore transformers fan, a know-it-all on the topic lol.
...and to add insult to injury (for an over-obsessed transformers fanboy), my favourite character, Starscream the Decepticon, only had about one line! AND he didnt have his slick blood red paint job, didnt do his trademark evil guy laugh, and didnt try to boot megaton of his high horse and assume command! its just wrong!!
...ahem. i think i need a girlfriend lol.
AAAAANYWAY. okay, so we brought the kids back to the house afterwards, and i spent more time with family. Its great seeig them all in one place, and seeing how they have changed over time. The adults however kept pestering me about getting married to a good muslim girl, which would miraculously lead me to living a perfectly happy future. Not very likely aunties - i am not going to roll with that, as i've already decided that your choice of religion means nothing to me when it comes to my attraction to a girl. unless, possibly, if your a satanist.
actually, if i have the willpower, my next blog entry is going to be about those rants my aunties keep giving me, and 'Why Jei doesnt have a girlfriend yet", a topic that might prove interesting to the few that read this blog.
Hmm... NUP thats it for the blog entry today. A very good friday and saturday. sunday i slept all day, and made a totally awesome meal for my mom and sister. thats it - a good weekend, yay!
Goodnight everybody!
Current Mood: Itchy
Current Music: Hinoi Team - Night Of Fire, Beautiful - Snoop Dogg feat. Pharrell, Eva Mendes smooching Will Smith - Hitch (movie)
Im not very good at work. I must have problems with prioritizing and scheduling, cos i never seem to complete all the tasks that i assign myself. In these times my ol' uni lecturer Sue's advice comes to mind yet again...
"Failing to plan is planning to fail"
I guess i can say that.... AAAAHT!! this was meant to be a weekend blog damnit! NO WORK!!
Friday ended quite well for me. Lil K and Stephie wanted to hang out with stu-bob and i, but we couldnt figure out what to do with the limited financial resources we had, along with the bad weather that was all around. Usually when you have no money, the great outdoors can keep you entertained free of charge; unfortunately none of us wanted to catch cold. I had sent a txt to a motley collection of friends for any suggestions, but only one responded. Xanth the realm queen suggested that i drown them in a swimming pool. No seriously, thats what she wrote.
....yeeeeah; thanks Xanth. such a sinister girl - your lucky that your physical attractiveness overcomes your evil-ness ha ha
So with the original plan failed, Karii came to rescue me from friday night emptyness. turns out she food poisoned herself and was all alone - so hey it was a perfect time to catch up and cheer up. I arrived fully equipped with sparkling mineral water and jello cups - apparently
the safest things to eat when food poisoned without puking afterwards, and we watched a bit of TV.
It then came to my attention how Karii and her brother Jorge look like the two main characters of the tv sitcom "The New Adventures Of Old Christine" - we mused about how that may be a possible future for the two. Even more amusing, since in this episode they were talking about how Christine cant find the will-power to dump this butt ugly stalker dude, cos he's exceptionally skilled at using his mouth 'down there'. a 'Champ' if i remember the words correctly :p
it was good seeing Karii again, we always find something to talk about... shortly after the darling lil Lucci cam back from her day with the grandparents, and then Luke came back from work. I did feel odd, with Luke finding me in his bedroom with karen in the bed (ha ha dont worry, i was perched on a computer chair on the side) and its always great to see Lucci, who seems to get more and more beautiful every day. yes Karii, i read your recent blog entry - and her looks are are 50/50 combination of you and luke - which means her beauty does come from you; since Luke isnt at all that beautiful :p
I woke up in a panic on saturday, as i had some sort of allergic reaction. The dinner i had last night must of had some kind of milk product in it, cos certain parts of me went all swollen, and unfortunately no im not talking about my penis :p I managed to get the day off work, which was nice, but having a physical deformality as well kinda ruined my aquired free time.
Attended my cousin Darcy's 1st birthday instead, which was great cos i hadnt seen him for a while now, as well as his mom and dad, my grandma, and the new house they recently moved into. Its a real charming place, tucked in a busy mt roskill area - but the peaceful feeling of the place was heavily distorted by the ranting and hooting of naughty children. Geez indonesian kids are down-right rascals; i completely forgot (i was exactly the same i suppose). Many a time i felt like giving my cousin victor a boot up the ass!
Darcy though was still the handsome young man that i last saw, now walking along with a contented smile on his face. He really enjoyed his bday, and all the great (and some weird) presents that he recieved. My present wasnt there, so i must remember to bring it over soon.
I gotta say man, Uncle Chris was a real sport that day. he took all the mongrel indo kids (about 6 in total) to the cinemas to watch transformers, a movie that he really didnt like (and didnt end up watching). and dont think that looking after mongrel indo kids is easy - he even forked out a few bucks for each kid so that they could play at the arcade games. Me and Cyn came along too to help him. We managed to get through the day without the kids causing too much trouble, though Victor was being quite a rude lil punk during the movie. i wanted to lock him in a rubbish can and roll it round for a while.
I had already watched Transformers with Zobie and Stu-bob the other week, and it was okay but not as good as everyone said. It was one of those movies where you would pretend to be a director and say things in your head like "oh NO thats so wrong, thats not the way its supposed to be, you should have done it like THAT...". the graphics were awesome, but it was a movie that seriously needed a plot change, it was so wrong compared to what the actual transformers story was like (which overall would have been alot more entertaining). you know how there are some real awesome marvel comic movies (like spiderman), and then some real crap ones (like the hulk)? Well Transformers was definately the hulk material. Oh i dunno - i guess im too much of a hardcore transformers fan, a know-it-all on the topic lol.
...and to add insult to injury (for an over-obsessed transformers fanboy), my favourite character, Starscream the Decepticon, only had about one line! AND he didnt have his slick blood red paint job, didnt do his trademark evil guy laugh, and didnt try to boot megaton of his high horse and assume command! its just wrong!!
...ahem. i think i need a girlfriend lol.
AAAAANYWAY. okay, so we brought the kids back to the house afterwards, and i spent more time with family. Its great seeig them all in one place, and seeing how they have changed over time. The adults however kept pestering me about getting married to a good muslim girl, which would miraculously lead me to living a perfectly happy future. Not very likely aunties - i am not going to roll with that, as i've already decided that your choice of religion means nothing to me when it comes to my attraction to a girl. unless, possibly, if your a satanist.
actually, if i have the willpower, my next blog entry is going to be about those rants my aunties keep giving me, and 'Why Jei doesnt have a girlfriend yet", a topic that might prove interesting to the few that read this blog.
Hmm... NUP thats it for the blog entry today. A very good friday and saturday. sunday i slept all day, and made a totally awesome meal for my mom and sister. thats it - a good weekend, yay!
Goodnight everybody!
Attempted Literacy by
Jei Matteus Damani
, Typed in at approx:
7:34 PM
stranger/s added their thoughts

Thursday, July 05, 2007
jeiganet online update...
Hmm, finally found some code to make my blog into three fixed sized columns, centered on the screen (a couple of months ago this code was really hard to find yo!) and changed the colours too just to add a little bit of spunk.
I've made the header picture, but i've been storing my blog pictures on zorpia - its free - bu one problem is that it cant store a pic with the dimensions my header pic has. Its shortened it, which will make the blo look funny. oh well it will do for now - i'll post it up shortly.
hmm... okay, the picture isnt loading?... strange...
put my shoutbo back on, and will put my friends bloglinks back on when i get back home. Ah i have such dreams for this place!
Im also thinking of picking up where i left off with my macromedia flash skills and making a few flash thingymabobs too, for a little more interaction.
I've also decided not to brag about this blog anymore to anyone, unless i really trust them. Im thinking of using this as a real journal, with real truthful thoughts. there's a bit of risk in doing stuff like that, but hey whats life without a little it of risk? there's already a few despicable and perverted beings that know of this place - but they can take their issues and stick it up their bum!
Well, back to work - i'll be here again soon!
I've made the header picture, but i've been storing my blog pictures on zorpia - its free - bu one problem is that it cant store a pic with the dimensions my header pic has. Its shortened it, which will make the blo look funny. oh well it will do for now - i'll post it up shortly.
hmm... okay, the picture isnt loading?... strange...
put my shoutbo back on, and will put my friends bloglinks back on when i get back home. Ah i have such dreams for this place!
Im also thinking of picking up where i left off with my macromedia flash skills and making a few flash thingymabobs too, for a little more interaction.
I've also decided not to brag about this blog anymore to anyone, unless i really trust them. Im thinking of using this as a real journal, with real truthful thoughts. there's a bit of risk in doing stuff like that, but hey whats life without a little it of risk? there's already a few despicable and perverted beings that know of this place - but they can take their issues and stick it up their bum!
Well, back to work - i'll be here again soon!
Attempted Literacy by
Jei Matteus Damani
, Typed in at approx:
8:52 AM
1 stranger/s added their thoughts

Sunday, July 01, 2007
Maybe not :p
Is this the day that i write something 'real'?
Probably not - its a Sunday and im a lazy Sunday kinda person. On days like these i get heavily distracted by the simplest of things, and tonight Miss Congeniality II is on (which i havent seen yet). its not exactly a box office smash hit but meh what can you do.
PS heh heh heh i still say 'meh', a small grunt-lingo that i stole off Shayne.
[after a growing frustration bout]...Nah screw it. Not yet. I am real sick of this dialup internet connection. I'll type this out later in notepad and post it up later.
Next vital stress reliever project due - fix my computer, and GET BROADBAND INTERNET.
Actually, i cant decide yet whether to do that or save up enough for my glasses (yes thats right, jei is returning to specs!)
See you later everybody!
Probably not - its a Sunday and im a lazy Sunday kinda person. On days like these i get heavily distracted by the simplest of things, and tonight Miss Congeniality II is on (which i havent seen yet). its not exactly a box office smash hit but meh what can you do.
PS heh heh heh i still say 'meh', a small grunt-lingo that i stole off Shayne.
[after a growing frustration bout]...Nah screw it. Not yet. I am real sick of this dialup internet connection. I'll type this out later in notepad and post it up later.
Next vital stress reliever project due - fix my computer, and GET BROADBAND INTERNET.
Actually, i cant decide yet whether to do that or save up enough for my glasses (yes thats right, jei is returning to specs!)
See you later everybody!
Attempted Literacy by
Jei Matteus Damani
, Typed in at approx:
7:52 PM
1 stranger/s added their thoughts

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