Thursday, April 14, 2005

How To Know If You Play Too Much Tekken

tee hee, i got this from my friend Jin:


-somebody challenges you to a fist fight and you wiggle your thumbs to warm up

-someone asks what time it is and you answer "8 frames to 3 o'clock..."

-your friends have pet dogs and you have a bear... with pink bracelets

-you sing "put your LK in, put your LK out..."

-you tell someone to "1+2" instead of telling them to "use both hands"

-you find it weird that kangaroos in the zoo aren't wearing boxing gloves

-you always stay away from walls

-someone says "please step aside" and your thumbs instinctively twitch

-you duck when someone hugs you

-your girlfriend asks how your day was and you say "I PULLED OFF A 77-DAMAGE JUGGLE!"

-you got arthritis and play anyway

-you ask for your paycheck to be paid in quarters.

-You think some people look like tekken characters.

-You have the urge to do Heihachi's d4 on people in real life.

-You name your kids after Tekken characters

-you go home and "practice" tekken on your ps2 after spending the whole day playing tekken at the local arcade

-You've wasted an entire bottle of mousse trying to make your hair stand up like Paul's.

-You watch a Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan movie and say "Hey, that guy looks like Law/Lei!"

-You currently own the Tekken movie.

-You tried to find a place that sells those chaps with built-in belts that Hwoarang wears.

-You scream "Dorya!" as you swing in any sport

-You kick school girls on the shin because you think they'll go into phoenix.

-You tell someone to stop by saying "Fuleeeze!"

-You go to the customization screen in the home version of Tekken 5 to see Anna's boobs jiggle.

-You get into a fight, try to do Kuma's Fart of Doom, and kill your social life.

-you're children are twins named Anna and Nina...and they're boys...but you play tekken way too much that you don't care

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