![]() | Watch this space in the near future as I tell all about one of my closest and dearest friends - Karen a.k.a 'The Chilean' (now now, no full names; i wont risk using her proper name and getting her in trouble with net perverts). |
Karen at first glance was a little girl, no more than 14 years old, shyly starting her first day at work. She didnt talk much, so at the end of the day i decided to get some info out of her - you know, the basics... "Hey how ya doin? what was your name again?...oh right, so how was your first day?... oh cool i hope the customers weren't too rude... ha ha ha..." Later on i learnt that she thought i was 'the sweetest guy' for being so nice to her ;p
She was really nice, and for some strange reason i found it easy to talk to her - very odd cos it was a time when i was practically ex-comm from nearly all girls, and it was quite an age gap! Being 18 i always had friends older than me - being able to hold a conversation with a 14 year old was soo strange....?!?
...So we became work buddies, getting in little chats, passing eachother through the store, laughing as she tried to pass messages over the speakerphone, and having to be very careful not to knock her out while pushing trolleys through the heavy storeroom doors (believe me it came aweful close on many occasions!)
Close after that i found out she had a boyfriend, and in my mind i thought "aaaww, what a cute litte kiddy couple they must be"; a little puppy-love, bubble-gum pop relationship was how i imagined it... how wrong was i! when he came to pick her up after work, i was disgusted! - the dude towered over her; this chunky white dude that looked at the very least my age - what a paedophile! (in my world, 18+ year olds should have the skills to get girls their own age, not prey on little baby-kids like Karen)
This dude's (i like calling him that because someone once told me that 'dude' means 'donkey penis' - tee hee) name was Kayle; and in the future he proved to be one of the few people i dislike just as much, or even more, than my blood brother Prakosa Ikari. Believe me, you have to be quite a biatch to get to that level. I dislike my brother with a passion... grrrrrrrr....
But ahem...thats another story for another time. moving along...
It was inevitable, with Kayle being such a 'dude', that Karen would realise that she's too good for this guy, and they split apart... but she had very difficult times with this and i always tried to help where i could.
after that, we started talking after work, sitting in the car park, waiting for someone to take her home, and we really started getting along... a little TOO well - at least more than i'd prefer from a friendship between an 18 year old guy and a 14 year old girl. It was freaking me out, so i started backing out. When she realised what was making me hesitate so much, the truth finally came out:
"Jei... how old do you think i am?"
"Well c'mon, its not too hard to tell - 14/15 tops; right?"
[shocked expression ensues]
"JEI! im 19!!"
WTF?!? total disbelief man. gazuukes, the girl was older than me! I thought to demand that she show me her drivers liscence, but i thought not to be soo rude. This girl must be getting all her vitamins and minerals, she looked soo young!
It all started coming to me... thats why i could speak to her easier than most... she always spoke in such a way that was a bit too mature for a 14 year old... she knows too much stuff about... stuff... ooooooooooooohh [lightbulb] ;p
It became easier and easier to talk to her after that. But in a twist of fate, it wasnt to last very long.
It was confirmed. Karen was leaving the workplace. Another 'Kayle' thing...grrrrrrr... we exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch and she gave me a hug before she left with her momma.
this hug... it felt strange... i hadnt felt that kind of thing in an exceptionally long time. My mindset changed, my eyes re-focused... all of a sudden, Karen has mysteriously turned... cute?!?
thank god she was 19! if she really was 14, i'd be chopping my own balls off by now! JEI you sinful paedophile. I am God and i have come to take away your naughty second brain. SHA-ZAAM!!
[sigh] dude, Cupid had unvieled my new crush to me. Not good! we are just friends! Hey you! what the hell are you standing up for?!? sit back down FOOL!!... gotta shut this down, shut it down, shut it down...
It finally did shut down, but my gosh, it did take quite some time; a couple of months in the least. We had gone through alot by then, and she was fast becoming one of my most trusted friends. I remember that fateful day, that cold night at the bus stop... i tried something knew - I was totally honest with her, cos i knew that alot of boys had been real bastard-liars to her in the past (thats the thing with being a girls best friend - they tell you EVERYTHING). It was extremely hard, and i was stupid, but at least i had the balls to say what i had to say, and it worked out in the end, as we are still friends till this very day.
Karen has this awesome, musical personality, and looks at the world in such a way that totally bewilders me. She see's the light where i am shrouded in darkness. Her emotional knowledge and life-experiences totally consume any of the small melodrama's i've had in life - she knows and has seen so much more of this world than i have ever known.
Luke, another boy, has seen the beauty within Karen, and they now live together on the East side. He's no Kayle, so thats enough for me to be happy for them both. A couple of months ago the angels from up above delivered Karen and Luke a special little package, in the form of Lucy Belle, their darling new born child. I hear she has extremely cool blue eyes, like her father.
It costs soo much to see Karen nowdays, since we live on opposite sides of the city; But tomorrow (20th April '05) im am going to take the journey to their house, to see them once again. if she hasnt seen it by tonight, i'll show her this story and test the accuracy. see you then Karen!
and Luke just in case - NO i do not like Karen anymore! I know my place and i like it there, there's a whole lot less stress! Karen is soo yours sonny jim! look after her, she's very cool!
PS. did i tell you? she's south american!! WOWEE i cant believe i forgot to mention that - i'll tell you about south americans (or spanish people generally) and Filipino's later :p
4 stranger/s added their thoughts:
I am the only it gets dropped for
and she hates spicy food so calling her that is kinda dumb
Whats the deal? Its my blog, she my friend and im just having a bit of fun; its nothing serious.
There is absolutely no need to get agro or be threatened... at least by me anywho ;p
But seriously if you got nothing positive to say dont write in here.
Adios Amigo
sorry if i came off agro.....i don't feel threatened by you i like you better than her other friend anyway.
This site is pretty cool though.
I tried to make a joke...........i guess it didn't work out.....peace out
Heh heh heh.
No sweat dude, i got the wrong idea. You see, last time i said something like that, our special friend Kayle freaked out and stepped me out - we had to have a "mano el mano" conversations.
he likes staring at people, it wasnt pleasant. he is very un-sexy :(
PEACE out man; look out for ya lady and baby girl; they're very cool ;p
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