Apparently im a bashful kisser! Ha ha ha, just one of those weird quizzes from http://uk.tickle.com that Julzii from Zorpia sent me. I read the results and thought "Oh yeap. thats definately me" - ha ha ha; rarely i find an online quiz that is actually right :p
Displayed below is the results of my quiz answering; you should try it out yourself!
Pucker up, you're a bashful kisser!
OK, so you might be on the shy side as far as kissing goes, but more people go for this quality than you might think. When you were younger, was it hard for you to talk to new people - especially when it came to someone you were interested in? Yup, we thought so.
Lucky for you, many people, back then, and now, think that shyness is adorable and a huge turn on. After all, there's a comfort they get from the feeling that you don't lock lips with just anyone. When it comes to snogging, you're probably a little hesitant to try new techniques. You might even prefer to stick with gentle pecks until your partner finally decides to take it further. While shyness is nice, just remember not to get so concerned with setting the proper mood. You might light a fire or take level, but experiment a little - even if that just means a public display of affection, or we dare you, a nice long snog - eyes open, lights on!
And just for your information, here are Julzii's results! I think your be a real interesting kisser - why do you have to live in Australia! AAAARGH!! lol
The Playful Kisser
Talk about freestyle! You've got originality points when it comes to kissing. You are probably the type of person who goes with the flow and plants your smackers accordingly as each situation dictates. And why shouldn't you? The only real important rule is for you to be yourself — and to keep experimenting. If something feels good, you should keep doing it. And especially in lessons of l'amour, there's no reason to conform.
So pucker up and keep seizing your moments! But before you get wild in your experimenting, sticking your tongue in your lover's ear, or getting carried away with your little love bites, remember that a kiss is between two people. You don't want to turn them off while you're getting turned on. So if that happens, take a deep breath, slow down, and try a little tenderness.