im in trouble... there's no way out but through.
i keep doing this to myself; i will never learn.
i dont know if i can keep this up anymore.
i keep having this dream, that i run away; run away from everything...
start anew, where no-one knows me, and i know no-one.
and learn - all by myself.
i wish i wasnt so stupid these couple of weeks.
im hurting myself way too much.
what am i going to do?
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- Jei Matteus Damani
- Im just a guy, who lives his own unique life, as people do.
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Monday, June 13, 2005
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3 stranger/s added their thoughts:
Now now,I knew something was wrong with my fav lil cousin tonight.Whats going on Junior?I heard it in your voice tonight when we spoke.I could tell something wasnt right.You cant hide things from me,I can read u like a book!Its better to talk about things rather then let it boil up.I wish you would just talk to me and let me know whats going on in your life.No need to beat yourself up about it.I worry so much,you'll always have me here if you need me.What ever I can help you with,let me know.Love you always,you're like a brother I never had.
thankyou asi-angelus, thats very kind of you. yeah i've had a few things on my mind, but i think i'll be okay. we should do something later on yeah?
hey hey, i gave cynthia the cd's. she cam up and said thankyou... at least i thought she did i was half asleep :p thats a good start right?
when did u give her the cd's?You know what i was thinking when she was over?4 a teenage girl she doesnt get up to anything when shes here.She doesnt ask me to take her out to meet her friends or try and do anything dogy with know like try and take her to meet her boyfrnds...I gotta say when I WAS HER AGE shit,when i wasnt @ home i'd try and sneak off to meet who ever.
I hope you know how good of a teenage sis you have darling.1 thing 4 sure she respects her elders even if you dont want to believe that.And tell your mum that too,i would but i dont think she would believe me.You knw with all da issues and shit.Have FAITH in cynthia darling,I promise you now,she'll be on the right path soon.Shea a good girl.
I love you Jei,i hope you know that too!hehehe dont let things boil up.kiss kiss your cousin,out.(god so lame) (exit) hehehehe
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